The Balance             Contra duple improper    F.dif.   


By: Erik Bach Nielsen



A1  16  Neighbor balance and swing, end in a circle.


A2   8  Petronella swing balance and spin.

     8  Petronella swing balance and spin,

        end in a wave across, gents left hand in the middle.

        (1's face down, 2's face up)


B1   8  Balance forward and back and pass through to a new line.

     8  Gents allemande left 1 1/2,

        while ladies orbit halfway to a wave across.        


B2   8  Balance right and left and slide right.

     8  Balance left and right and slide left.


Next time through your neighbor is in your right hand.



Nb.: Neutrals stand proper at the top, improper at the bottom.


Swing balance:

Step down om right foot swing left foot over right foot,

step down on left foot swing right foot over left foot.



My wife Else always tells her dancers that they should anticipate

what follows a balance and do the balance accordingly.